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sql server 2008常考的题目


select s1.studentno,s1.score,s2.score from score s1 ,score s2where s1.courseno=1 and s2.courseno = 2 and s1.studentno = s2.studentno and s1.score 60GO


select stu.name,stu.studentno,COUNT(sco.CourseNo),SUM(sco.score) from student stu , score sco where stu.studentno = sco.StudentNo group by stu.StudentNo,stu.name


select COUNT(1) as total from teacher where name like '叶%'

–(5)查询没学过“叶平”老师课的同学的学号、姓名 – 报了叶平老师的学号

select s.name,s.studentno from student s where s.studentNo in(select distinct StudentNo from score sc, course c , teacher tea where sc.CourseNo = c.courseNo and c.teacherNo = tea.teacherNo and tea.name = '叶平')

– (6)查询学过“001”并且也学过编号“002”课程的同学的学号、姓名

select stu.studentno,stu.name,COUNT(sc.CourseNo) from student stu,score scwhere stu.studentno = sc.StudentNoand sc.CourseNo in (1,2)group by stu.studentno,stu.name having COUNT(sc.CourseNo) >1

– (7)查询学过“叶平”老师所教的所有课的同学的学号、姓名 –首先是求出叶平老师的课程数量

select * from student where studentno in (select sco.StudentNo from course c,score sco,teacher te where c.teacherNo = te.teacherno and c.CourseNo = sco.CourseNo and te.name='叶平' group by sco.StudentNo having COUNT(1) =(select COUNT(1) from course where teacherno in (select tea.teacherno from teacher tea where tea.name = '叶平')))

– (8)查询有课程成绩小于60分的同学的学号、姓名

SELECT DISTINCT s1.StudentNo, stu1.nameFROM score s1, student stu1WHERE s1.StudentNo = stu1.studentNo AND s1.score
